
星河战队3的全部插曲 星河战队3在线观看

2024-09-19 09:279567 旷纳兰
It's a good day to die|慷慨赴义在今朝      《星河战队3:掠夺者》插曲      by:星船囧兵      Courage!Duty!Honor!|勇气!责任!荣誉!      We call upon our

It's a good day to die|慷慨赴义在今朝








  We call upon our troopers,|我们呼唤军队,


  in this our darkest hour,|在危难来临之时,


  our way of life is what we're fighting for.|英勇善战就是我们的教条。


  The flag that flies above us,|头顶旗帜飞扬,


  inspires us each day|时刻激励着我们


  to give our very best in every way.|竭尽全力 做到更好。


  It's a good day to die,|慷慨赴义在今朝,


  When you know the reasons why.|原因你自知晓。


  Citizens we fight for what is right.|战斗为了公民的荣耀。


  A noble sacrifice!|壮烈的牺牲!


  When duty calls you pay the price.|号角吹响 斗志冲云霄。


  For the Federation I will give my life.| 为了联邦我甘愿涂地肝脑。



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